
My portfolio

Maiiyoz's commission info

For commissions contact me via my email or through instagram DM. I also take custom commissions, just ask!

Commissions: OPEN


Shot typePrice
Bust & Up20
Half Body25
Full Body35


Shot typePrice
Bust & Up40
Half Body55
Full Body70

All prices are in EUR


  • Additional character +100%

  • Complex details/designs +5-20 EUR

  • Background depending on complexity +10-40 EUR (simple backgrounds are free of charge)


Full body sketch = 35 EUR

Half body render + simple background
= 55 + 10
= 65 EUR

Full body render + complex background
= 70 + 30
= 100 EUR

Character design commissions

Only full body commissions
(price depends on complexity of design)


Front Only20-40
Front & Back40-60


Front Only40-70
Front & Back70-100

All prices are in EUR


  • Additional character +100%

  • Additional prop design +5-20 EUR

  • Additional outfit designs +10-40 EUR (depending on amount and design)


Simple front & back sketch
= 45 EUR

Simple front only render
= 50 EUR

Complex front only sketch + props
= 40 + 5
=45 EUR

Terms of service

  • Payment is via Paypal only.

  • Full payment upfront for sketch commissions.

  • Rendered commissions will be paid 50/50. 50% before I begin working and the remaining 50% when the sketch has been completed to the satisfaction of the client.

  • Commission can take anywhere from 1 week to 4 weeks to complete.

  • The commission is for personal use only. For commercial works contact me separately.

  • I reserve the right to refuse a commission for any reason.

  • Ownership of the copyright as well as the right to use the artwork for promotional purposes remains with me.

  • If at any point the client chooses to cancel the commission and forfeit the work done so far any payments already made are non-refundable.

  • If at any point the client has failed to respond to sketches or status updates provided for a period of longer than one month the commission will be considered abandoned and further work will require renegotiation.

  • Turning commissioned art into NFT tokens for personal use, resale, or redistribution is NOT permitted.

  • You, as the client, have NO right to repurpose the artwork in the training of artificial intelligence/ML models to generate illustration, including without limitation, technologies that are capable of generating works in the same style or genre as my artwork. To summarize: don't use my artwork for AI.

By commissioning me you agree to these terms.

Will doWon't Do
Animals/anthrosComplex mecha
Ships (nothing innapropriate)Hateful content